Thursday, April 30, 2009

Further Adventures In Measuring

Conversation on the way home from working out today:

Me: I was going 178 steps a minute during the intervals! That’s a lot of steps per second!

She: Yeah, about 50, right?

Me: Heaven help us.

She: I oughta get a job at Home Depot. Everybody’s windows would be mismatched, decks would be either be 3x3 feet or taller than the house, contractors would quit in disgust, Home Depot would go out of business….then I’d write a book titled How To Be A Math Genius, by Sheila.

Me: This is going in my blog.


  1. LOL. But even 3 steps per second is pretty amazing. You go, girls!

  2. Hee, hee. Very funny. But Ann is right---three steps a second is indeed impressive! Though not as impressive as 50...:-)

  3. Those are the dreaded words all my friends and relatives hope I don't say to them: "this is so going into my blog!" (and they hear it alot!) ha

    The Retirement Chronicles

  4. Well, here goes. I'm trying.

  5. This blog post should be called, "Introducing She..."

    I have a T-shirt that says "Careful or you'll end up in my novel." Maybe you need a similar shirt!
